Syllabus of Python course
Python is a programming language which is used for general-purpose, high-level, interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, open-source and is mostly suitable for Software Development. The syllabus for Python is vast covering areas such as Python Language Fundamentals, Python Programming Environment setup, and Python Object-Oriented Programming.
- Introduction of Python
- Installing Python IDES – Python IDLE and Anaconda
- Writing Your First Python Program
- Data-types in Python
- Variables in Python – Declaration and Use
- Typecasting in Python
- Operators in Python – Assignment, Logical, Arithmetic etc.
- Taking User Input (Console)
- Conditional Statements – If else and Nested If else and elif
- Python Collections (Arrays) – List, Tuple, Sets and Dictionary
- Loops in Python – For Loop, While Loop & Nested Loops
- String Manipulation – Basic Operations, Slicing & Functions and Methods
- User Defined Functions – Defining, Calling, Types of Functions, Arguments
- Lambda Function
- Importing Modules – Math Module